Prophecy at The Dwelling Place
At The Dwelling Place we believe that God speaks to us today. We believe that accurately hearing God's voice, through prophecy, is crucial to the development of a healthy church that effectively moves in Kingdom power.
1 Corinthians 14:1 "Follow the way of love and eagerly desire the gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy" and 1 Corinthians 14: 3 states that "But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to all men."
God's heart or mind on a given subject, but must always be weighed and tested against what God says in the Bible. Prophecy must also work alongside the other ministry functions of Ephesians 4:11.
Prophecy Team
The Prophecy Team is lead by Linda Watters, one of our Senior Pastors. All our team members are held accountable for the accuracy, or otherwise, of the words they give and the team meet regularly to hone and develop their gifting. We strongly believe that accountability and accountable relationships are crucial to the development of accurate prophetic gifting. As a result of several years of patient development, and the trust built up by strong accountable relationships, we are regularly asked to provide prophetic words for meetings of senior leaders and international gatherings. We are encouraged to hear that the words we give are highly regarded and considered accurate and on point.
Prophecy Team Training
We believe that the gift of prophecy is to be nurtured and developed within the context of the body of Christ, the local church. To that end we have developed a training programme that encourages those who have or desire the gift of prophecy, to be trained in recognising the voice of God and to develop their gifting. Once an initial, foundation training has been completed, individuals may be invited to join the Prophecy Team.
What is a Prophecy Appointment?
A prophecy appointment happens before church with three or four members of the Prophecy Team pray for you and hear what God says to encourage you, strengthen you or comfort you. All Prophecy Appointments are recorded. We will send you a recording of the session, to allow you to test and weigh the prophecy and to help you remember what had been said. The sessions usually last around 20-30 minutes.
E-mail the The Dwelling Place Office at if you would like to know more about Prophecy at The Dwelling Place, or book a prophecy appointment.