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Prayer that changes things - Jamie Watters - 12 Jan 25
Following on from his talk on the importance of having and living out God's vision for our lives, Jamie looks at the vital subject of prayer and how there are layers and depths of prayer that we rarely, if ever, tap into. In John 14 Jesus makes the amazing promise, that whoever believes in Him may ask for anything in His name and He will do it. Jamie looks at five key shifts that need to take place in each of us, if we are to see that promise lived as a reality. 1. The transformation of our minds. 2. Engaging in fellowship with God and longing for His world more than this one. 3. Being silent and trusting in God to act. 4. be willing to be the answers to our own prayers. 5. Allow God to reveal His promises for us and praying those into existence, rather than picking the promises we like the most and claiming what God has not specifically promised to us.
The Importance of Vision - Jamie Watters - 5 Jan 25
As we start into the Year 2025, Jamie looks at the 'Importance of Vision'. It is said 'Everyone ends up somewhere, but few people end up somewhere on purpose!'. Do we know where we are going? Do we have a vision for our lives? If we do have a vision does it align with God's vision for us? In this talk Jamie identifies four key steps in finding God's vision for our lives and then seeing that vision become a reality. 1. The Spirit's Prompting, where we gain a sense of God's call to do something. 2. Certain Uncertainty, when we first sense the call it is certain we won't know what is required. What we need to do is take a step forward and as we do so God will reveal more of His plan. 3. Predictable Resistance, everyone who seeks to follow God and pursue God's vision will experience opposition. It is a sign that you are moving in the right direction; don't be discouraged, keep pressing on. Finally 4. Uncommon Clarity, this is the stage where you realise that you wouldn't rather be doing anything else.
Advent - Love - Jamie Watters - 22 Dec 24
In this final talk of our series on Advent, Jamie discusses 'Advent Love'. The whole of the story of the coming of Jesus is bathed in love. God so loved the world... He loved Mary who bore the Saviour of the World, he loved Joseph who was to marry the girl who was carrying God's Son. He loves us and wants us to know His love. So that our lives may be transformed and He wants us to be carriers of His love, so that all may know the love of God the Father for His creation; and all who are near, and those who are far off.
Advent - Peace - Jamie Watters - 8 Dec 24
In this second of our series on Advent, Jamie discusses 'Advent Peace'. Jesus came into the world to bring us Peace with God, Peace with ourselves, Peace with others and Peace on Earth. Jesus' death on the cross enable us to be reconciled with God; at be at peace with God. There is no condemnation for those who in Christ; we can experience God's peace in our hearts and freedom from anxiety and fear as we put our trust in Him. God's call on our lives is to be at peace with others, to be peace bearers and peace makers. Jesus, on His return will bring peace on earth, in the meantime, we are called to walk in peace. We can only truly do this if we are walking in a place of intimacy with God. We will only experience and be able to evidence God's peace in our lives if we daily submit our lives to His rule and reign.
Advent - Hope - Jamie Watters - 1 Dec 24
At the start of the season of Advent we prepare for the arrival of Jesus as a baby and for His return as King. In this first of our talks, Jamie looks at Advent Hope. Jesus is the Hope of the world. So significant was His birth that before His birth all dates are 'Before Christ' (BC), after His birth all dates are 'In the Year of our Lord - Anno Domini' (AD). Becoming a follower of Jesus, making Him Lord of our lives, is a life changing event; nothing will ever be the same again. He calls us into a relationship with Him that exchanges Death for Life, Sin for Forgiveness and Salvation, Hopelessness for Hope. Putting our trust in Jesus is the most significant decision we will ever make in our lives Have you made it?
Fruit of the Spirit - Goodness - Jamie Watters - 17 Nov 24
In this talk, Jamie discusses the Fruit of the Spirit 'Goodness'. The core message of scripture is that God is good and He is good all the time. All that He does is good and as we allow God's Spirit to live and dwell in us we will evidence the fruit of 'Goodness' in our lives, by the way in which we love, forgive and show grace and mercy to others and are generous with our time, energy and money; giving of ourselves for the benefit of others.
Fruit of the Spirit - Kindness - Anthony Hilder - 10 Nov 24
In this talk, Anthony discusses the Fruit of the Spirit 'Kindness'. Kindness is demonstrated by how we relate to others. Kindness is a character of God - God displays His loving kindness to His people in both the Old and new Testaments. The Psalms speak of God's loving kindness to His people. God's ultimate act of loving kindness was to send His son to die on the cross, so that those who didn't deserve His love could be set free from the slavery of Sin. Kindness is the practical outworking of the fruit of the spirit of love and is shown in how we relate to those we can expect or require no reward or acknowledgement.
Fruit of the Spirit - Forbearance - Jamie Watters - 3 Nov 24
In this talk, Jamie discusses the Fruit of the Spirit 'Forbearance'. Sometimes translated as Patience or Long Suffering, Forbearance is the supernatural ability to not give up, to persevere, to keep on praying, looking to God and trusting Him. Like any loving father, God loves us too much to give us everything we ask for when we ask for it. God wants us to pray big prayers that rely on Him to answer and He wants us to be persistent in prayer. Persistent prayer helps us focus on God and not ourselves, it helps us clarify or requests, prepares us for the answer and strengthen our faith. How big are your prayers, and what do they say about how big you think God is?
Fruit of the Spirit - Peace - Jamie Watters - 27 Oct 24
In this talk, Jamie discusses the Fruit of the Spirit 'Peace'. The world, the culture we live in, is facing an epidemic of anxiety. Yet almost all the things we worry about will never ever happen and even the things that do won't be as bad as our imagination tells us they will be. Paul tells us in Philippians 4:6 to have no anxiety about anything. The supernatural fruit of Peace, and the absence of anxiety, flows from place of thankfulness and prayer; putting our trust in the God of Peace who gives us His Peace, so that we might bring peace to the world around us.
Fruit of the Spirit - Joy - Jamie Watters - 20 Oct 24
In this talk, Jamie discusses the Fruit of the Spirit 'Joy'. What is the fruit of Joy? Is it just a happy feeling? No, the fruit of the spirit Joy, does not rely upon us feeling happy or having had some good news or success. The fruit of Joy is a supernatural ability to rejoice despite our circumstances. Joy comes as we realise and know deeply that God is good all the time and all His plans are good. Joy is the antidote to sorrow and sadness and enables us to have a right perspective on God's plans for our lives.
Fruit of the Spirit - Love - pt 2 - Jamie Watters - 13 Oct 24
In this talk, Jamie builds on the first talk in our mini-series on the Fruit of the Spirit and dives deeper into the subject of Love. The word 'Love', has so many different meanings in the English language and culture. The 'Love' that Jesus and Paul talk about is not a feeling, it is not uncontrollable, nor is it something we fall into. God is 'Love'; we can only truly love because God first loved us. We are called to Love God with all our heart, soul and mind and then to love our neighbours as ourselves. In other words, to Love God, Love People. As we draw closer to God we will not only love Him more seeing that He loves us, but also love others, even those who are difficult to love.
All Age Harvest Service - Thanksgiving - Teeny Finlay and Jemma Gough - 6 Oct 24
For our special All Age Harvest Service, Teeny and Jemma bring us a message about Thanksgiving based on the story of the feeding of the five thousand in Matthew 14. Teeny and Jemma examine Jesus' attitude to need to feed so many people, and share lessons for us all. Rather than focus on the lack, Jesus thanked (praised and blessed) God before the miracle happened, trusting that the Father would provide. Secondly, an attitude of gratitude is not only something the bible has been telling us to have. It is actually good for us; being thankful reduces stress and anxiety, and it releases God's kingdom activity. As we do these two things, God will meet our needs. Just has he provided all the food the five thousand needed, with plenty left over; so He will meet our needs, provide the things we need to flourish and grow.
Fruit of the Spirit - Love - Anthony Hilder - 29 Sep 24
As part of our series on The Holy Spirit we are starting a mini-series on 'The Fruit of the Spirit' and this week Anthony Hilder introduces the subject and looks at the first of the fruit 'Love'. We find reference to The Fruit of the Spirit in Paul's letter to the Galatian church. To set the context for this series, Anthony looks at who the Galatian church was and why Paul was writing his letter to them. He unpacks how the Galatian church was being drawn back to living under rules and regulations 'The Law', rather than being lead by the Spirit. Living under the Law draws us away from relationship with God and places 'doing the right thing' above a living, loving relationship with God. The fruit only comes out of being in relationship, knowing, God. God's love for us is the starting point for our relationship with God and Love is the first fruit of the Spirit because God is Love and each of the fruit make us more like God.
Filled with the Fullness of God - Jamie Watters - 22 Sep 24
In this next in or series on The Holy Spirit, Jamie asks 'How can we be filled with the Fullness of God?' How much of God do we want? Do we want just enough to make us happy and meet our needs, to get us a ticket to salvation without changing us in the process? In chapter 3 of his letter to the church in Ephesus, Paul prays that all those who follow Jesus will be 'filled with the fulness of God'. Jamie identifies that this prayer applies to us, it not a pipe dream for the holy elite, but is for all who are called to follow Jesus. We are being invited to pursue God, to earnestly desire more of Him, however, the choice is ours; do we want more of God, or are we content with the little we have? Looking at Paul's letter, Jamie identifies four key steps that we each need to individually apply to our lives, if we are to see more of God's fullness in our lives. Will you take them?
Cultivating the Supernatural - Jamie Watters - 15 Sep 24
In this next in or series on The Holy Spirit, Jamie explores how we can learn to cultivate the supernatural. As we have already learnt, God has filled His followers with the Holy Spirit, so that they can do the works of Jesus and advance the Kingdom of God on earth, as it is in heaven. Jesus told His disciples He could only do what He saw the Father doing. Therefore, the first step in cultivating the supernatural is to 'See it', to see and recognise what God is doing. When we recognise that God is moving, the next step is to join it and 'Do it'. Sometimes we need to physically get involved, other times, simply announcing that we see God moving is enough to release more of His presence and power. The final step is to 'Understand it', to reflect on, gain insight, to treasure and ponder what has happened; reading Scripture, and asking questions. As we do these things we will see our level of expectation and anticipation of what God will do rise, and through that, see move His kingdom breaking out.
Covenant and Communion - Anthony Hilder - 8 Sep 24
In this talk, Anthony addresses the significance of Communion and its relationship with the covenants God made with the people of Israel.
Life in the Spirit - Jamie Watters - 1 Sep 24
In this next in our series on The Holy Spirit, Jamie asks the question 'What does it look like to be led by the Spirit as a Child of God?' reviewing the letter to the Romans, Chapter 8. The Christian life is a relational journey. God the Father is always working for the good of those who love Him. As we learn to recognise the signs of Him working and His voice speaking to us we gain heightened awareness of Him in action. As we become more aware of what He is doing, we are able to start stepping into the things He has for us, and see more of God's Kingdom breaking out around us. While, Romans 8 teaches us that nothing can separate us from God's love, we all can and do become distracted, taking our eyes off Jesus and putting them on things of the world that do not, ultimately, satisfy. The call of Romans 8 is to turn away from those things and to keep our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus and to lead lives led by the Spirit.
Being Aware of His Presence - Jamie Watters - 25 Aug 24
In this second in our series on the person and work of the Holy Spirit, Jamie's talks on 'Being Aware of His Presence'. Jamie talks covers four main topics. 1. Why we need the Holy Spirit. 2. Examples from the Bible on how the Holy Spirit has empowered people. 3. Why some people don't experience the Holy Spirit, and 4. Ways to be more aware and interact with the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Understanding the Trinity - Jamie Watters - 18 Aug 24
As we embark upon a new series exploring the person and work of the Holy Spirit, Jamie starts with a talk entitled 'Understanding the Trinity'. The term Trinity does not appear in the Bible, yet throughout the Old and new Testaments the Bible shows us that while there is only one God, God is the Father, God is the Son and God is the Holy Spirit. Jamie shares that there are a number of analogies that can be used to help explain the concept of the trinity, some are helpful, some are not, most however fail to convey the vital living relationship that exists between Father, Son and Spirit. He goes on to share how the early church fathers used the term 'perichorisis' to describe how the Trinity is an eternal dance of the Father, Son and Spirit sharing mutual love, honour, happiness, joy and respect. We are invited to join in with the dance to explore the beauty and wonder that is the triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That is why God sent His Son to die on the cross and His Holy Spirit to fill us and live within us.
Audacious Faith 8 - Anthony Hilder - 4 Aug 24
In this next talk in our series 'Audacious Faith' Anthony looks at 'The Wilderness Season'. In our walk with God we will all at some point feel like we are in the wilderness. Anthony explains how God uses these times to shape and prepare us for what He has in store for us. How He uses these times to change our thinking and to increase our level of trust in Him. How He knows just when to end these seasons and that our attempts to escape the wilderness will always mean that we shortcut His work in our lives and inhibit our ability to do all He has for us. In the wilderness, God invites us to partner with Him and allow Him to do His work in us, letting go of the stuff that holds us back and allowing Him to shape us more in His image.
Audacious Faith 7 - Anthony Hilder - 28 Jul 24
In this next talk in our series 'Audacious Faith' Anthony shares a message that he believes is important for us as a church in this current season. Exploring the call and obedience of Abram in Genesis 11:24-12:8, Anthony identifies how it is vitally important to 'Say Yes to God'. When God calls you to do something, it is important to 'Say Yes to God', even when you don't know the destination, it is tempting to give up, settle for less or go back to the old ways, you don't know exactly what God wants you to do, and the thing that God says He will do, or is calling you to appears impossible. God has called us on a journey, to be a dwelling place for Him. We don't know exactly what that means for us as a church, but it is important that we continue to say 'Yes to God' as we embark upon this adventure with Him.
Audacious Faith 6 - John Scott - 21 Jul 24
In this sixth in our series 'Audacious Faith', John asks 'How do we see possibilities turned into realities in our lives?' The most important shift we need to make is to let go of our Western rationalist understanding of the world that disregards the spiritual and supernatural. We cannot expect to see God move in power in our lives if we are constrained by cultural (secular and religious) norms and expectations. We also need to realise that the issues that afflict us and those we love may have a spiritual root. If there is a spiritual root to our problems, then only being set free from the evil spiritual forces that seek to steal and destroy our lives, (deliverance) will do.
Audacious Faith 5 - John Scott - 14 Jul 24
In this fifth in our series 'Audacious Faith', John talks about the vital importance of hearing God's Voice for ourselves. As it says in Romans 10:17 'Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ'. Audacious Faith starts by hearing what God is saying, through scripture and by His Holy Spirit. Taking examples from Scripture and personal experience John share how it is vital for each and every follower of Jesus to learn how to hear God's voice for themselves, if they are to walk in 'Audacious Faith'.
Audacious Faith 4 - Jamie Watters - 7 Jul 24
In this next talk in our series 'Audacious Faith', Jamie, through the story of Elisha and the widow's oil in 2 Kings 4, explores how Audacious Faith 'Releases Provision'. If we put our trust in God in times of need, or when we don't have what we really want, we will discover that God is what we really need. When we put our trust in God rather than in the things we have we allow Him to supernaturally provide, out of His abundance, rather than our poverty. Often the first step is to recognise and use what He has already given us, rather than focus on the thing that is lacking. When we act in faith we release His provision and we get to see His faithfulness.
Audacious Faith 3 - Jamie Watters - 30 Jun 24
In this third in our series 'Audacious Faith', Jamie looks at 'How Faith Grows'. If we want to see more of God moving, first we must have a desire for more. Secondly believe God for more. Thirdly ask God for more. And finally prepare for more. In this talk Jamie identifies six phases that we each need to go through if we are to see our faith grow.
Dwelling Place Glasgow - All Age Service - 23 Jun 24
In this first 'All Age Service' since we became Dwelling Place Glasgow, Teeny looks at Psalm 84 and John 15:4-9, as well as the Disney film 'Encanto' and explores what it means to be embarking on a new adventure with God. How we are called to be a place where God can dwell in us and where we can dwell in Him. A Family where all are welcomed valued and loved. A place where we see more of God's power and love released as we learn to put Him at the centre of all we do.
Audacious Faith 2 - Jamie Watters - 16 Jun 24
In this second in our new series 'Audacious Faith', Jamie identifies what Audacious Faith looks like. Jamie unpacks the miracle stories in Matthew 9:18-34 to identify four characteristics of Audacious Faith. 1. Audacious Faith sits in the face of complete loss but still hopes! 2. Audacious Faith attracts the presence of God. 3. Audacious Faith makes a withdrawal from heaven that releases healing on Earth! 4. Audacious Faith has the courage to believe what Jesus see’s and thinks about your situation!
Audacious Faith 1 - Jamie Watters - 9 Jun 24
In this first in our new series 'Audacious Faith', Jamie looks at what it takes to 'Restore Your Cutting Edge'. Do you feel that life has become a bit of a struggle and things that once were easy to do have become hard? Perhaps you have lost your cutting edge. Exploring the story of Elisha and the lost axe, in 2 Kings 6, Jamie identifies four steps that are required to 'Restore Your Cutting Edge". 1. Admit you lost it. 2. Acknowledge where you lost it. 3. Expect God to restore it. 4. Reach out to receive it.
Ephesians 6 - Armour of God - Jamie Watters - 26 May 24
Jamie takes a look through what it means for us to wear the full armour of God in our daily lives and how we need to choose to put it on each day.
Ephesians 5 - Marriage - Jamie Watters - 19 May 24
Jamie continues with Ephesians 5 and, in particular, what Paul has to say about marriage and relationships. In the wake of Paul's previous words about the church and how it can build itself upon Christlike character, this message continues to ask the question of how do we relate to other people in the wake of Jesus' example to us in our everyday lives?
Ephesians 5 - Gift of Tongues - John Scott - 12 May 2024
John looks at Ephesians 5 and in particular the Gift of Tongues. In this sermon John looks at what the gift of tongues is, who it is for and how we can use it to build up ourselves and the church.