Restore in 2024 – Defeating Discouragement

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Restore in 2024 - Defeating Discouragement

Continuing our series ‘Restore in 2024’ based on a study of the book of Nehemiah, Jamie looks at defeating discouragement. Attempt anything for God and we will face discouragement. Satan and his forces do not want God’s plans and those He uses to achieve them to succeed. Like Nehemiah, we will face discouragement from outside, firstly from forces outside our control, storms of life, illness and sickness, unexpected events all designed to try and get us to quit. Backing these up will be criticism and ridicule, trying to undermine our confidence and resolve. We will also face discouragement from within as those who are close to us get discouraged or start to doubt. Even Jesus faced opposition from His family who thought He was mad and causing a scene. In our response we need first to turn to God in prayer and to press into what God has called us to. Remember, God is great and awesome and has already defeated our enemy, then stand up and fight, not for ourselves, but our cause.

2024 the year to Restore – Planning

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
2024 the year to Restore - Planning

We sense that 2024 is a year of restoration – rebuilding the walls that are broken down – rebuilding the church and transforming the communities in which we serve.  In this talk Jamie looks at how Nehemiah addresses the problems he found when he got to Jerusalem. The Old and New Testaments tell us that God is a God of detail. He inspires men and women to undertake great projects that require tremendous preparation and careful planning. Having started with prayer, Nehemiah turns next to planning. If we want to see restoration in the church and in the life of the city, we must start with prayer, but we must next make careful plans. Our plans must start with a careful and realistic assessment of the current situation; what is broken and what needs fixing. Next we need to know what we are wanting to achieve, where we are wanting to go. Then we need to determine how we are going to get there. Nehemiah had to undertake all these steps before he started any practical work. he took no short cuts, nor did he expect God to do it all for him.

2024 – A Year to Restore

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
2024 - A Year to Restore

In this our first service of 2024, Jamie starts a series on the story of Nehemiah. We sense that 2024 is a year of restoration – rebuilding the walls that are broken down – rebuilding the church and transforming the communities in which we serve.  In this talk Jamie looks at Nehemiah’s response to learning that the walls of Jerusalem have been torn down leaving the city vulnerable to attack and its people in danger. Nehemiah turns to God in prayer – Jamie reminds us that when we face troubles and difficulties, we should follow Nehemiah’s example – not with a shopping list of requests that focuses on the problems, making them appear bigger. But rather, starting with Adoration – praising and worshipping God – Confessing the wrongs we have done, our bad attitudes and thoughts – Thanking God for all His goodness and mercy. In doing so we put ourselves in the right place to raise our requests ‘Supplications’ to God and to to receive His solutions, recognise His plans and to play our part in bringing about change.