Ephesians 4 – Fivefold Ministry Part 1

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Ephesians 4 - Fivefold Ministry Part 1

In the first of two talks, Anthony looks at Ephesians 4 and in particular the Fivefold Ministry. In this part, Anthony answers the question ‘What are the Five Fold Ministry roles and what do the do?’ Anthony explains that the Fivefold roles serve the church and prepare it to do the ministry of Christ. He explains that the roles are not the same as the gifts and that they are functions not identities. Each of the roles is needed in the church today and to miss one or more of them out will leave the church missing out on vital component of the ministry of Christ. Each role brings something that the church and the world needs and together they enable the church to minister as Jesus did.

Ephesians 3

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Ephesians 3

In this third in our series on Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus, Jamie explores Ephesians chapter 3. Last week we looked at how we are seated in the heavenly places with Christ. This week we look at how being seated with Christ is the starting point for lives that are empowered by God to live out His call for the church to reveal God’s wisdom to the world. As church we are called to ‘make known the manifold wisdom of God’, not just to the world, but also to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places Eph 3:10. We can only do that if we are living lives fully connected to Christ and experiencing Him and His power. The church in the West has lost so much ground to Satan and his lies and deceptions by being asleep and complacent. It is only as we put aside our differences and learn to embrace all that God has for us that we can be the influence for change and transformation that God intends us to be.

Made Worthy, Walk Worthy

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Made Worthy, Walk Worthy

In this second in our series on Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus, Jamie explores Ephesians chapter 2. Without Christ we are separated from God, prey to the forces of evil and without hope. With Christ, we are not only given hope of an eternity with God, but more importantly seated now in the heavenly places with Him. So often we thing as heaven as somewhere we go when we die, but the Bible talks of the heavenly places as present reality. Paul realised that knowing that we are already seated with Christ was the essential starting point for a life lived in the daily reality of Christ’s victory over the enemy and the authority He has given us. Only when we have learned to ‘Sit’ in Jesus’ presence and learn from Him can we then ‘Walk’ in the victory and use the authority He has given us. ‘Sitting’ enables us to ‘Stand’ against the attacks of the enemy’s attacks that come as we ‘Walk’ and to defeat his plans.

Ephesians 1 – In Christ – The Church

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Ephesians 1 - In Christ - The Church

In this first in our new series looking at the book of Ephesians, Andy provides an overview of Paul’s letter to the church focussing on chapter 1. Andy focusses on two key messages in chapter 1. Firstly, our position before God has been changed by what Christ has done and how God has given us His Holy Spirit as a mark of our new position. Secondly, that what Christ has done gives us access to the transforming power that raised Christ from the dead that brings about not transformation in the future but also transformation in the present.

Adventurously Expectant

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Adventurously Expectant

In this talk Jamie encourages us to live ‘Adventurously Expectant’ lives. Exploring Jesus’ ‘I am the vine, you are the branches’ teaching in John 15, Jamie reminds us that in order to have fruitful lives we need to ‘abide’ in Christ, stay connected to the vine.  When we are connected to the vine we will pray – expecting to hear Him, read the Bible – expecting to meet Him, focus of Christ – expecting to feel Him, and spend time with other followers of Jesus – expecting to experience the Kingdom. Jamie identifies three essential things that will enable us to stay connected: 1. Do what Jesus says! 2. Love like Jesus loves! and 3. Learn to live as a friend of God!

A life of significance – Jamie Watters

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
A life of significance - Jamie Watters

In this talk, Jamie, looks at ‘Living a Life of Significance’. In this talk Jamie ask if the church is willing to to follow God’s agenda, or have we settled for setting our own goals?  The world tells us that, as individuals, our lives should be successful. That we should aspire to to be successful, to reach heights of attainment and achieve financial, career and family goals. Yet God calls us to live lives for Him, lives for the kingdom and lives of significance.  Jamie looks at the life of Barnabas and how his willingness to serve others and put God’s call first in his life was instrumental is shaping the ministry of Paul the apostle.  Barnabas sacrificed his own wealth, his own goals to follow God’s agenda. He used what God had given him to bless and encourage those around him.

Sacred Spaces – Anthony Hilder

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Sacred Spaces - Anthony Hilder

In this talk Anthony discusses Sacred Spaces. He answers three questions. What is a sacred space? Why do they matter? and What do they mean for us? He describes how Sacred Spaces are found throughout the Bible and that they each have four stages – 1. Revelation – God reveals so we can respond. 2. Collaboration – God Initiates so we can engage. 3. Interaction – God inhabits, so we can encounter. 4. God shapes, so we can be sent. The purpose of Sacred Spaces is to prepare His people for being His change agents – carrying God’s presence and imprint wherever we go and to whoever we meet.

God’s not finished with you yet

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
God's not finished with you yet

In this talk Jamie looks at the story of Lazarus in John 11 to show us that God has not finished with you yet. Just as Jesus called Lazarus out of the tomb by name, He is calling us by name – to overcome disappointment at unanswered prayers, to overcome weariness and fatigue, to overcome a sense of failure or lost passion for the kingdom. God has not finished with you yet. He calls us to align our lifestyles with His word and to start doing the things of the Kingdom, by getting up close and personal with Him.

Restore in 2024 – Joy

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Restore in 2024 - Joy

In this next in our series Restore in 2024, Jamie continues in the Book of Nehemiah and looks at the subject of Joy. We are bombarded by adverts enticing us to buy joy in the shape of products that claim to make us happy, but ultimately leave us disappointed. Joy is something that is beyond temporary happiness. Being joyful is a choice, a choice to choose God over our circumstances and to trust in His unfailing love and goodness. When we learn to trust in God’s plan to the extent that we are joyful, even in the darkest times, we are ready to experience life in a new dimension of intimacy with the Father.

Restore in 2024 – Defeating Distraction

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Restore in 2024 - Defeating Distraction

Continuing our series ‘Restore in 2024’ based on a study of the book of Nehemiah, Jamie looks at defeating distraction.  If we are to achieve the amazing best plans that God has for our lives, we need to stay focussed on Him and on the tasks He has set for us. If he can’t stop us by discouragement, our enemy’s next tactic is distraction. Getting distracted, taking our eyes of the ball, taking on tasks that we aren’t meant to do, prioritising things that don’t give life; all get in the way of us becoming the people God has called us to be and doing the things he has called us to do. Like Nehemiah, we need to learn to say no. No, to the things that will stop us doing what God has called us to. No, to the good sounding opportunities that haven’t come from God. No to being self-indulgent. Are we willing to say Yes to God and No to the distractions that get in the way of our yes being truly Yes?