Made Worthy, Walk Worthy

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Made Worthy, Walk Worthy

In this second in our series on Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus, Jamie explores Ephesians chapter 2. Without Christ we are separated from God, prey to the forces of evil and without hope. With Christ, we are not only given hope of an eternity with God, but more importantly seated now in the heavenly places with Him. So often we thing as heaven as somewhere we go when we die, but the Bible talks of the heavenly places as present reality. Paul realised that knowing that we are already seated with Christ was the essential starting point for a life lived in the daily reality of Christ’s victory over the enemy and the authority He has given us. Only when we have learned to ‘Sit’ in Jesus’ presence and learn from Him can we then ‘Walk’ in the victory and use the authority He has given us. ‘Sitting’ enables us to ‘Stand’ against the attacks of the enemy’s attacks that come as we ‘Walk’ and to defeat his plans.

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