Adventurously Expectant

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Adventurously Expectant

In this talk Jamie encourages us to live ‘Adventurously Expectant’ lives. Exploring Jesus’ ‘I am the vine, you are the branches’ teaching in John 15, Jamie reminds us that in order to have fruitful lives we need to ‘abide’ in Christ, stay connected to the vine.  When we are connected to the vine we will pray – expecting to hear Him, read the Bible – expecting to meet Him, focus of Christ – expecting to feel Him, and spend time with other followers of Jesus – expecting to experience the Kingdom. Jamie identifies three essential things that will enable us to stay connected: 1. Do what Jesus says! 2. Love like Jesus loves! and 3. Learn to live as a friend of God!

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