A life of significance – Jamie Watters

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
A life of significance - Jamie Watters

In this talk, Jamie, looks at ‘Living a Life of Significance’. In this talk Jamie ask if the church is willing to to follow God’s agenda, or have we settled for setting our own goals?  The world tells us that, as individuals, our lives should be successful. That we should aspire to to be successful, to reach heights of attainment and achieve financial, career and family goals. Yet God calls us to live lives for Him, lives for the kingdom and lives of significance.  Jamie looks at the life of Barnabas and how his willingness to serve others and put God’s call first in his life was instrumental is shaping the ministry of Paul the apostle.  Barnabas sacrificed his own wealth, his own goals to follow God’s agenda. He used what God had given him to bless and encourage those around him.

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