Audacious Faith 7

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Audacious Faith 7

In this next talk in our series ‘Audacious Faith’ Anthony Hilder shares a message that he believes is important for us as a church in this current season.  Exploring the call and obedience of Abram in Genesis 11:24-12:8, Anthony identifies how it is vitally important to ‘Say Yes to God’. When God calls you to do something, it is important to ‘Say Yes to God’, even when you don’t know the destination, it is tempting to give up, settle for less or go back to the old ways, you don’t know exactly what God wants you to do, and the thing that God says He will do, or is calling you to appears impossible. God has called us on a journey, to be a dwelling place for Him. We don’t know exactly what that means for us as a church, but it is important that we continue to say ‘Yes to God’ as we embark upon this adventure with Him.

Audacious Faith 6

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Audacious Faith 6

In this sixth in our series ‘Audacious Faith’, John Scott asks ‘How do we see possibilities turned into realities in our lives?’ The most important shift we need to make is to let go of our Western rationalist understanding of the world that disregards the spiritual and supernatural. We cannot expect to see God move in power in our lives if we are constrained by cultural (secular and religious) norms and expectations. We also need to realise that the issues that afflict us and those we love may have a spiritual root. If there is a spiritual root to our problems, then only being set free from the evil spiritual forces that seek to steal and destroy our lives, (deliverance) will do.

Audacious Faith 5

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Audacious Faith 5

In this fifth in our series ‘Audacious Faith’, John Scott talks about the vital importance of hearing God’s Voice for ourselves.  As it says in Romans 10:17 ‘Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ’. Audacious Faith starts by hearing what God is saying, through scripture and by His Holy Spirit. Taking examples from Scripture and personal experience John share how it is vital for each and every follower of Jesus to learn how to hear God’s voice for themselves, if they are to walk in ‘Audacious Faith’.

Audacious Faith 4

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Audacious Faith 4

In this next talk in our series ‘Audacious Faith’, Jamie, through the story of Elisha and the widow’s oil in 2 Kings 4, explores how Audacious Faith ‘Releases Provision’.  If we put our trust in God in times of need, or when we don’t have what we really want, we will discover that God is what we really need. When we put our trust in God rather than in the things we have we allow Him to supernaturally provide, out of His abundance, rather than our poverty. Often the first step is to recognise and use what He has already given us, rather than focus on the thing that is lacking. When we act in faith we release His provision and we get to see His faithfulness.

Audacious Faith 3

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Audacious Faith 3

In this third in our series ‘Audacious Faith’, Jamie looks at ‘How Faith Grows’.  If we want to see more of God moving, first we must have a desire for more. Secondly believe God for more. Thirdly ask God for more. And finally prepare for more. In this talk Jamie identifies six phases that we each need to go through if we are to see our faith grow.

Audacious Faith 2

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Audacious Faith 2

In this second in our new series ‘Audacious Faith’, Jamie identifies what Audacious Faith looks like. Jamie unpacks the miracle stories in Matthew 9:18-34 to identify four characteristics of Audacious Faith. 1. Audacious Faith sits in the face of complete loss but still hopes! 2. Audacious Faith attracts the presence of God. 3. Audacious Faith makes a withdrawal from heaven that releases healing on Earth! 4. Audacious Faith has the courage to believe what Jesus see’s and thinks about your situation!

Audacious Faith 1

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Audacious Faith 1

In this first in our new series ‘Audacious Faith’, Jamie looks at what it takes to ‘Restore Your Cutting Edge’.  Do you feel that life has become a bit of a struggle and things that once were easy to do have become hard? Perhaps you have lost your cutting edge. Exploring the story of Elisha and the lost axe, in 2 Kings 6, Jamie identifies four steps that are required to ‘Restore Your Cutting Edge”. 1. Admit you lost it. 2. Acknowledge where you lost it. 3. Expect God to restore it. 4. Reach out to receive it.