Dwelling Place Kids

Dwelling Place Kids' Ministry

At The Dwelling Place we see the value and potential in all children. The ultimate goal of The Dwelling Place Kids' Ministry is to grow God-connected children who know & understand their divine purpose.

Kids' Church

Kids' Church is at the heart of The Dwelling Place Kids' Ministry. The mission of Kids' Church is to grow God-connected children. By that we mean, children that know their creator and experience living their lives with Him and for Him.

We are a church for children - we have times of community, bible teaching, application, prayer and worship aimed at the ages & stages of the children.

There are four different groups to suit each stage of childhood. They are,

Protostars (new born – 2.5years)

This is the first stage of a stars life, and during it we see formation & consolidation. We see this during the first few years of a child’s life, they continue to grow and form into the person God is calling them to be. Their faith is being formed and we input into this through repetition of bible stories & songs. In this group we pray for your children and over them, asking God to continue to draw close and make Himself known to these precious little ones.

Super stars (‘Preschool’: 2.5+years)

This phase of a stars life is known as the T-Tauri Star phase. We felt this was too wordy and decided that our 2.5-5year olds would be known as Super Stars! During this phase a star has further consolidation of matter and releases a burst of energy, which matches the preschoolers perfectly! They are so full of energy and are in a consolidation phase of their faith. In this group, we see children forming their own relationship with God and beginning to understand the importance of prayer & bible stories. The regular Lego models certainly helps them understand the bible stories as they are shared in age-appropriate ways.

Red Giants (P1-P4: 5-8 years)

When a star releases its energy, it grows into a red giant and begins to grow and shine bright. This is what the p1-p4 group experiences - a growth and brightness as they step even further into their relationship with their Father God. They are beginning to become more aware of their giftings and abilities which enable them to shine bright for Jesus.

Supernovas (P5-P7: 9-11 years)

Our last group of DPG Kids Church is the supernovas. This group is for p5-7 and in it we are enjoying seeing the children further develop their skills & giftings as they step into all that God has for them. They become more confident in who they are as Kingdom Carriers and we are seeing expansion with regards to this, much like the expansion of a star during the supernova phase


Dedicated teams of volunteers serve the children each Sunday. All the our team members are passionate about seeing your child meet with Jesus and be transformed through the Holy Spirit.

Adults can sign their children in from 10:45 on a Sunday and Kids' Church runs until 12:35 when all children should be signed out by their responsible adult.

If you are thinking of joining us on a Sunday, we would love to see you.

Teeny Finlay  co-ordinates our Kids' Church. Please get in touch with her if you'd like to find out more or if  you have any questions about our children's & families ministries. You can also check out our Facebook Page for recent updates.

Kids' Ministry Prayer Meeting

Prayer is powerful and that is why we have a weekly online prayer meeting for anyone who has a heart to pray for the children & young people in our communities.

When and where?

Friday mornings, 07.30 – 08.00

To connect via Zoom click here


Join the Kids Team

Teeny Finlay is our Children’s Coordinator and she oversees all our Kids' Church teams.  Please contact Teeny, if you want to join the Kids' Team.