Audacious Faith 4

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Audacious Faith 4

In this next talk in our series ‘Audacious Faith’, Jamie, through the story of Elisha and the widow’s oil in 2 Kings 4, explores how Audacious Faith ‘Releases Provision’.  If we put our trust in God in times of need, or when we don’t have what we really want, we will discover that God is what we really need. When we put our trust in God rather than in the things we have we allow Him to supernaturally provide, out of His abundance, rather than our poverty. Often the first step is to recognise and use what He has already given us, rather than focus on the thing that is lacking. When we act in faith we release His provision and we get to see His faithfulness.

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