Restore in 2024 – Defeating Discouragement

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Restore in 2024 - Defeating Discouragement

Continuing our series ‘Restore in 2024’ based on a study of the book of Nehemiah, Jamie looks at defeating discouragement. Attempt anything for God and we will face discouragement. Satan and his forces do not want God’s plans and those He uses to achieve them to succeed. Like Nehemiah, we will face discouragement from outside, firstly from forces outside our control, storms of life, illness and sickness, unexpected events all designed to try and get us to quit. Backing these up will be criticism and ridicule, trying to undermine our confidence and resolve. We will also face discouragement from within as those who are close to us get discouraged or start to doubt. Even Jesus faced opposition from His family who thought He was mad and causing a scene. In our response we need first to turn to God in prayer and to press into what God has called us to. Remember, God is great and awesome and has already defeated our enemy, then stand up and fight, not for ourselves, but our cause.

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