Ephesians 4 – Fivefold Ministry Part 1

Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Latest Sermons from Dwelling Place Glasgow
Ephesians 4 - Fivefold Ministry Part 1

In the first of two talks, Anthony looks at Ephesians 4 and in particular the Fivefold Ministry. In this part, Anthony answers the question ‘What are the Five Fold Ministry roles and what do the do?’ Anthony explains that the Fivefold roles serve the church and prepare it to do the ministry of Christ. He explains that the roles are not the same as the gifts and that they are functions not identities. Each of the roles is needed in the church today and to miss one or more of them out will leave the church missing out on vital component of the ministry of Christ. Each role brings something that the church and the world needs and together they enable the church to minister as Jesus did.

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