Support our Work

Contributing to our work

We’d love to invite you to support our work by contributing your time, your resources, or both.

Support our work by giving Financially

One way to help us is by supporting our work financially.

Bank Transfer

The best way to do this is by online bank transfer, as we receive all the money you donate, using the following details:

Church General Fund: Account Number: 00265505, Sort Code 80-05-54, Account Name: Dwelling Place Glasgow

Storehouse Food Bank: Account Number: 00265513, Sort Code: 80-05-54, Account Name: Dwelling Place Glasgow

Outreach Fund: Account Number: 06002877, Sort Code: 80-07-65, Account Name: Dwelling Place Glasgow

The account name in all cases is Dwelling Place Glasgow

Online Card Payment via ChurchSuite

If you wish to donate via Credit or Debit Card, you can use use our online giving pages hosted by ChurchSuite, who charge us a small fee for this service.

Church General Fund

Storehouse Food Bank

Building Fund

Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax payer we are able to claim an additional 25p for every £1 you give under the Gift Aid Scheme, at no additional cost to you.

To allow us to do this please complete the online Gift Aid declaration found here

Help us by serving on a Team

Sunday Teams
  • Join one of these teams that serve on a Sunday. These are great ways to get involved in what we do, meet new people and serving roughly once a month:
Midweek Teams

Want to find out more?

If you want to find out more about us you could:

  • Check out the Meet the Team page.
  • Complete an Online Connect Card so we can arrange to meet up for a chat, invite you to a Welcome event or let you know more about Small Groups.

Thank You